Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! What a magnificent celebration we had. We started out by putting on our blinking Christmas light necklaces and creating a Holiday Ornament. And then off to hear the Little Christmas Elf story and sing the Winnie the Pooh version of, The Twelve Days of Christmas. And then we added our Santa hats to sing Raffi’s, It Must Be Santa, which motivated us to put on our bell adorned reindeer antlers and perform Jim Reeves, Jingle Bells. This encouraged us to dance around the tables to, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. And then we were motivated to let the games begin. We wore our blinking Christmas light bulb headbands & necklaces while participating in THE PIZZA WALK (earning a present), and then we played a HOLIDAY MEMORY GAME (earning an holiday bucket filled with gifts) and then a BEAN BAG TOSS HOPSCOTCH (earning a chocolate Santa). Then we had fun getting involved in a CHRISTMAS COOKIE DECORATING contest (winning stickers). Then it was time for our HI PIZZA MAN story to prepare us for our surprise delivery person—who wasn’t a Pizza Cow like we suspected. And then on to our huge feast of; pizza, oranges, raisin & peanuts, fruit roll-ups, peanut butter & pretzels, frosted cookies, gingerbread men, marshmallow trees, chocolate pudding, candy canes and strawberry kiwi juice drinks. Our bellies were more than satisfied. To wound down the day’s festivities we watched “Olive the Other Reindeer” opened our stockings that Santa filled last night and then heard the adorable story SIX SNOWY SHEEP and then finally took a long hard winters nap. As the big man in the red suit always says, “Merry Christmas to all…and to all a good night.” P.S. A special thanks to Christine Hagedorn for the adorable blinking necklaces and headbands, and to Heather Waddle for the special, quality, full-size dinosaurs for each child. Christian enjoyed handing them out to each friend and they were beyond grateful; super cute!
Thank you!!!!