Happy 4th of July!

We celebrated Independence Day with pizzazz! After we engaged in a rollicking patriotic cupcake Memory Game and a festive patriotic Balloon Toss game (earning a treat cup of fun, patriotic pinwheels, wands and headbands) we celebrated by decorating a patriotic flag cake for our traditional Independence Day picnic to enjoy along with submarine sandwiches, barbecue chips, watermelon slices, and blueberry punch. Have a fabulous 4th of July everyone! 🙂

Teddy Bear Class Graduation 2019

Congratulations KidsFirst LearningCenter 2019 Teddy Bear Class Graduates! Now THAT was one amazing ceremony. Well done. Thank you, everyone. And a special thank you to Christine Hagedorn for the cool Graduation cookie appetizers, and to Heather Waddle for the thoughtfully worded (made me bawl) card, flickering candle lantern, and generous Amazon gift card. Hello kids, this means new toys!!! Yay!!!! Here’s to a fabulous summer and an exceptional upcoming new school year.

YouTube Video of the Teddy Bear Class of 2018-2019